LiquidWeb vs. WP Engine: A Comparison

September 01, 2021

LiquidWeb vs. WP Engine: A Comparison

When it comes to cloud hosting, LiquidWeb and WP Engine are two of the most renowned names in the industry. However, choosing between the two can be a challenging decision. To make your life easier, we, the Flare Compare team, have done some research and come up with a direct comparison between the two.


When it comes to performance, LiquidWeb takes the lead. They boast an uptime record of 100%, which is the dream for any website owner. Moreover, they have a three-tiered system for storing data which means your data is always available, secure, and always backed up. On the other hand, WP Engine also provides a good uptime record of 99.9%.

LiquidWeb Uptime Record: 100% WP Engine Uptime Record: 99.9%


When it comes to the price of the services offered, WP Engine is significantly more expensive than LiquidWeb. WP Engine’s Starter Plan starts at $25/month, which is suitable for small businesses. In contrast, LiquidWeb’s entry-level plan starts at $15 per month. Although WP Engine may provide more features for the price, it may not be suitable for small businesses or those on a strict budget.

WP Engine Starter Plan: $25/month LiquidWeb entry-level plan: $15/month

Customer Support

Customer support is an essential aspect when it comes to website hosting services. Both LiquidWeb and WP Engine are known for their excellent customer support services. WP Engine majorly relies on chat-based support, whereas, in contrast, LiquidWeb offers support through chat, phone, and email.


WP Engine provides support primarily for WordPress, whereas LiquidWeb offers hosting services for a wide range of applications, including WordPress, Magento, Drupal, and many more. WP Engine provides daily backups, while LiquidWeb offers a choice of daily, weekly, or on-demand backups.


WP Engine offers a built-in caching system known as EverCache, which considerably improves the load speed of your website. LiquidWeb does not provide a built-in caching system, but they provide full root access, which allows you to install caching plugins on your own.

LiquidWeb: Full root Access WP Engine: Built-in caching system


Based on our research, it is clear that both LiquidWeb and WP Engine are excellent options for cloud hosting. LiquidWeb is more affordable and offers a wider range of applications, while WP Engine provides a range of features focused around WordPress. While LiquidWeb may be the better value, WP Engine is still a leading service worth considering.

We hope this direct comparison has helped you make an informed decision. Remember, every website is different, and only you can know which provider will work best for you.


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